Little girl Hmong Sapa Treking tour

Little girl Hmong Sapa treking Tour.

Tellking about a Hmong little girl born into a poor family, has a burning dream of how to escape poverty and hard labor. She overcame her circumstances to go to school and write her own dream. If you are a fan of hiking or trail walking, let my little Hmong lead you on mysterious trails through pure streams flowing from deep forests, go through poetic rustic villages or picturesque terraced fields.  


Bla Yang is the girl I refer to in this story. She was born and raised in a poor family at the top of the mountain with 6 siblings, 5 sisters and 1 brother, Bla Yang is the youngest girl in the family, every day she only knows how to work in the fields and work. struggling to have rice and corn to eat, her parents could not afford to send her to school like other children of the same age. Her 4 older sisters got married early, only 1 sister left, she couldn't go to school either, Bla Yang's older sister realized that the family was very poor, she soon went to work to have more supplementary income for parents and children. When Bla yang was 12 years old, she also followed her sister to peddling for tourists, Bla yang loved going to school so she decided to go to school but because the tuition was very expensive and she could not afford to go to school. the school is good, so she goes to the schools that charge the lowest fees. Because Bla yang, she was late to school, so she could not keep up with other students her age, many times she cried and just wanted to give up, but every time she thought of the poverty of her family, her mind tried to overcome Through those barriers, there was only one thought in her mind that only learning could change her life. So she studied very hard, now she is 25 years old, she also knows how to write and read, After so much effort, God did not disappoint the perseverance and hard work of a little girl, she also I've almost made my own dream come true.

We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.